25 healthy ways to express anger




    Anger is a normal and powerful emotion; what we do with it affects our health and relationships. When it gets out of control, anger is known to be detrimental, causing physical or emotional harm and even major health issues. Yet anger, when displayed with moderation, can catalyse transformation and contain profound seeds of self-realisation.

    Here are 25 healthier ways to express anger, which we will cover in this blog so you can stay mentally and emotionally healthy. Please also look at my YouTube video, which should also help you let go of anger.

    1. Deep Breaths:

    When anger starts to rise, taking a few deep breaths can effectively clear your thoughts and temper your emotions. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, allowing your lungs to fill, then exhale gently through your mouth. Repeat this process several times, focusing on the rhythm of your breathing.

    2. Get Moving

    Get moving by running, swimming, or even lifting weights to quell the resentful energy buried inside. Exercise not only helps to dissipate anger but also triggers the release of endorphins, boosting your mood and promoting a sense of well-being, leaving you feeling more balanced and energised.

    3. Practice Mindfulness Meditation:

    Mindfully observe your rage without judgment, and let it die on its own.

    4. Journaling 

    Putting your thoughts and feelings into words gives you a sense of relief from emotional pressure. This practice helps you better process and understand your emotions, gain perspective on your challenges, and identify patterns in your thinking and behaviour, ultimately fostering emotional clarity and resilience.

    5. Paint, art or sculpture:

    Use your anger for creative arts. Turn your anger into a powerful creative force by painting, drawing, or sculpting. Use bold colours, intense strokes, and dynamic shapes to express your emotions visually. Creating art can be therapeutic, providing an outlet for frustration and transforming negative energy into something beautiful and meaningful. This will help you process and release your anger and may also lead to creating impactful and inspiring artwork.

    6. Listen to — or play 

    music that suits your mood: Sometimes, you only need some sad music to help you process and understand your anger.

    7. Talking Out:

    Express your feelings to a close friend, family member, or therapist.

    8. Comedy

    Treat this with comic relief and try seeing things from a lighter perspective. When life overwhelms, injecting a dose of comedy can provide much-needed relief and a fresh outlook. Embrace humour by watching a funny movie, reading a humorous book, or spending time with friends who make you laugh.

    9. Nature Walks:

    Get out in nature and let it clear your mind & show you a different way. Engaging in nature walks can be a powerful way to clear your mind and gain new insights.

    10. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR):

    Tense and relax each muscle group in your body to release physical tension. This highly effective technique relieves physical tension and reduces stress. It involves systematically tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in your body, promoting deep relaxation.

    11. Establish boundaries.

    Voice your boundaries and requirements to avoid situations that make you angry.

    12. Time Outs:

    Step away from the situation, get calm, and collect your thoughts. Doing so will help you calm down and collect your thoughts, enabling a more composed and thoughtful response.

    13. Respectful communication:

    state your feelings and needs calmly, assertively, not aggressively, manner.

    14. Therapy:

    Get help exploring the reasons behind your anger in the past or present. A therapist can provide a safe space to explore your emotions, identify triggers, and develop healthy coping mechanisms, ultimately fostering a deeper understanding of yourself and promoting long-term emotional well-being.

    15. Practice Gratitude:

    Shift your attitude and angry mindset by thinking about things you are grateful for.

    16. Positive affirmations

    may sound like a minor part of any list of stress relief techniques for work, you can use them to remind your brain to keep calm and stay positive.

    17. Visualisation 

    picture a serene scene to help you relax your mind and dissipate your anger. Visualization is a powerful technique that can help you relax your mind and dissipate your anger.

    18. Punch a pillow

    or hit a punching bagpiping, kicking a trash can, or anything that does not harm yourself or other beings; this way, you can release anger or inhabitation.

    19. Hobbies: 

    You should likewise keep yourself occupied with some fun Hobbies to divert yourself.

    20. Volunteer Your Time

    This also helps you interact and realise how much you have going for you.

    21. Proper Diet:

    Opting for a healthy diet supports emotional well-being in the long run.

    21. Proper Sleep 

    Sleep as irritation may worsen due to tiredness.

    23. Self-compassion:

    Be gentle on yourself and remember it is okay to be angry. How you react to your anger is what counts.

    24. Dog walk:

    If you don’t have a dog of your own, consider borrowing a neighbour’s dog or volunteering to walk a dog from a local shelter. 

    25. Declutter:

    Take a bin bag and start dumping clutter in your spare room. Transform it from a chaotic storage space into a functional and inviting area.


    Although anger is a perfectly normal feeling, how you process and deal with it can make a big difference to your life and those around you. Deep breathing exercises, getting involved with the creative arts, and practising mindfulness to seek professional help can help us manage and release anger more healthily, turning anger into a source of personal growth and resilience.

    These 25 healthy ways to express anger can help create a much more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life. Try to adopt these methods and see the good they do to your emotional well-being and peace of mind.

    Let me know in the comments what helps you when you get angry.

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